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Effective Steps to Downsize and Declutter Before your Next Move

Moving can be an exhausting experience, both emotionally and physically, and going into it without a plan of action can become overwhelming. Follow our steps to downsize and declutter before your next move to help make the process run smoothly. 

  1. Evaluate your moving situation. 

Are you downsizing in bedrooms, or simply downsizing in square feet? Downsizing in the number of bedrooms will entail selling or giving away excess items of furniture such as bedroom sets that you will no longer need in your new home. On the other hand, downsizing in square feet will mean downsizing the available space for the items you currently have. No matter the move, you will want to take the time to evaluate your current furniture such as dining room sets, living room furniture, bedroom sets, and decide if the items will be right for your new space.

  1. Start ASAP. 

If you plan to move in the near future you will want to begin the packing and decluttering process as soon as possible. It is recommended to start at least three months in advance. By beginning early, you can aim to be mostly packed 30 days prior to your move. This way when you are working out last-minute details and finalizing closing/purchasing paperwork, it will not be too stressful to finish packing up those last few commonly used items. 

  1. Establish a plan to organize and declutter.

What TO do: 

  • Label boxes to be stored
  • Go through one room at a time
  • Have a Yes and No pile for items you plan to keep or get rid of. 
  • Designate and label separate plastic totes for items to be donated, thrown away, or gifted to friends and family.

What NOT to do: 

  • Have mixed-use boxes.
  • Try to declutter or pack all around the house at one time.
  • Store items without labeling.
  • Put items into a Maybe pile. This will just create additional work in the long run. 
  1. Begin with low traffic areas of the house.

Garages, attics, spare bedrooms, storage closets, and any other area you may be storing items. These are the areas that tend to pile up with the most clutter. Take the time to sort, organize, and pack, these areas of your house first.

  1. Ask Yourself these four questions.
    1. Could I live without it?
    2. Do I have room for it in my new space?
    3. Do I have another item like this?
    4. When was the last time I used/wore this?
  1. Digitalize what you can.

Important documents such as tax records, receipts, and any other paperwork you will need to hold onto can take up valuable space to store. Scan important documents that you will need to keep a record of and recycle anything that is no longer needed. 

Are you holding onto memory boxes that just collect dust? Photo albums, home DVDs, and other memorabilia may be scanned and saved to the cloud so you may hold onto these memories without requiring extra storage.

  1. Wait to buy new furniture.

Although it is good to shop around when you plan on purchasing new items, it may be best to wait to purchase until you have moved into your new place. That being said, some places may be able to coordinate delivery dates and times. If able to do so, you may request to purchase items to be delivered at a future date. Take into consideration that pending contracts may fall through for a variety of reasons. Avoid purchasing excess items before you have closed on your new home or condo unless you have the ability to store them in a pinch. 

Looking to relocate to Myrtle Beach or the surrounding areas? Garden City Realty’s team of local experts is ready to guide you through the home-buying process. We are committed to fast, professional, and courteous service to help you understand and feel at ease throughout the home buying process. Our trained and licensed agents specialize in the Grand Strand area real estate market and are prepared to find the right home and get the best price.

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